Email archive
At the menu 'Archive' --> 'Email' you'll find an overview of all completed Mailings. This includes Standard-Mailings (Status 'sent') as well as Dialog- and Campaign-Mailings (Status 'cancelled'). The email archive allows you to restore any of your completed Mailings, in order to re-use it for future mailings (see Restoring an email from the archive).
To showcase its function the E-Mail archive of Shared Services - Graubünden Ferien already contains a "Demo-email". Use the 'Content' link at the column 'Shortcuts' to open your archived Mailing. The buttons 'HTML' or 'Text' will show the content of your Mailing in the respective format. The button 'PDF' will let you download your Mailing as a PDF file. At the right side you'll see the icons
Feel free to use the 'Folder administration' to create new subfolders, to rename or delete existing folders etc. Restoring an email from the archiveYou want to send an archived mailing again or re-use as the basis for a future mailing? To do this, click the 'Copy' icon of the archived mailing. At the subsequent pop-up window, select the folder where the copy of the archived email should be saved. If necessary, change the Subject, which was been inherited from the original mailing. If you copied a template-based Mailing, an additional option will offer to convert the mailing into its Text and HTML parts. If you make this selection, the copied mailing is no longer based on the template. You can make directly in the HTML source code changes then what however appropriate HTML knowledge is required. After your chose you will get to mailings → email . |